History of Yoga

History of Yoga- Information, Vedic Period to Modern Indian Yoga

Today, wherever you travel, you hear folks talking about various benefits of yoga and provide clear evidence of its indispensability in everyday life. There is no wonder to consider the importance of yoga in the resolution of mental and physical issues all over the world.

When the word ‘yoga’ falls into your ear, you will bear an image of people twisting in or impossible poses into your mind. The asanas of yoga are extremely helpful and effective. Over the last few decades, it is also not just passing modern fad that evolved.

The actual fact is that it has been imposed as far as a few millenniums. Thus, there is nothing to surprise that a lot of people around the world are drawn by such a time-tested practice.

This article is about the actual history of yoga. However, it would be better to start with the very meaning of yoga. What is the meaning of yoga? And from how long it has been practiced?

What Does Yoga Mean?

The word yoga has come from the Sanskrit word Yuj which refers to ‘to unite’ or ‘to join’. This union does not mean about your nose touching your knees as you bend to touch your toes. It is about the union of your mind with your body. The integration of an individual with his/her nature and surroundings. And at last, the consciousness of an individual with the universal consciousness. The first yogi is nothing but Lord Shiva. The belief of the people is that he disseminated his learning and knowledge to seven learned men known as the Saptarishis.  Let us understand how yoga practice came about. Let us jump into the history of yoga.

History of Yoga

Pre-Vedic and Vedic Period

There are four Vedas in the hierarchy of Vedic knowledge and they are Rigveda, Samveda, Yajurveda, and Atharvaveda.

After these four Vedas comes four Upavedas or sub- Vedas and they are Ayurveda, Arthaveda, Dhanurveda, and Gandharvaveda. The line is six components or pangas further down and they are Kalpa, Shiksha, Nirukta, Vyakarana, Chandas, and Jyotisha.

These are further divided into six sub-components such as Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Sankhya, Mimansa, Vedanta, and Yoga.  In the ancient Indian text, the earliest recorded mention of the word ‘yoga’ is the Rig Veda. Again in the Atharva Veda, there is mention of the significance of the breath control. It is complicated to mention the exact dates as the Vedas were orally passed on from one generation to another in the beginning.

Written records existed much later. But in the Indus-Saraswati civilization, even before this, certain fossils and seals have been discovered, with figures performing Yoga Sadhana. This recommends that yoga was familiar and undertaken even in those early stages of civilization.

Pre-classical Period

In this era, the Upanishads took birth. They describe the meaning hidden in the Vedas that elaborates on the workings of the spirit and mind through personal teachings. They espouse mantra recitation and meditation towards the main goal of obtaining enlightenment. There are 20 yoga Upanishads out of the 108 Upanishads. These tell about distinct yogic techniques such as breathing exercises, pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), sound, meditation, and pranayama (breathing exercise).

Classical Period (500 BC to 800 AD)

A)Lord Buddha and Lord Mahavira’s teachings created an early basis for Yoga Sadhana. While Lord Mahavira talk of attaining freedom and salvation through meditation, Lord Buddha talk of specific meditation and postures to attain enlightenment.

B)In this period, the Bhagavad Gita also came into existence. This text is a dialogue between Prince Arjuna (human consciousness) and Lord Krishna (universal consciousness). The Lord here explains the concepts of Karma yoga (generous actions, Dharma, Jnana yoga (knowledge), and Bhakti yoga (dedicated and caring actions). Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, “Samatvam Yoga Uchyate” – equanimity in the mind is a sign of yoga. Yoga is the capability to stay centered in unfavorable situations. Harmonious and joyous nature is yoga no matter whatever takes us back to our original.

C) Dating to 300-200 BC, few verses of the Mahabharata also mention terms explained by Sage Patanjali, like Viveka (discrimination) and vichara (subtle reflection). Certain goals of yoga are explained as the separation of self from matter, entering into the Brahman state, understanding Brahman everywhere, and uniting the individual atman with the universal Brahman.

D) Maharshi Patanjali who is considered as the Father of Yoga was the one who firstly systematizes yoga practices. He disseminated the meaning of yoga through his Yoga Sutras and the knowledge it has to provide. This yoga was known as Raja yoga. He formulated the eight limbs of yoga or the Astanga yoga which included niyamas, Yamas, pratyahara, asanas, samadhi, pranayama, dhyana, and Dharana.

  • Bhakti yoga – the path of devotion
  • Karma yoga – the path of action or activity
  • Hatha yoga – the path of balancing the mental, pranic, and the physical layer in the body
  • Raja yoga – the path of introspection
  • Jnana yoga – the path of inquiry

Components of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras were utilized as a part of the movements of a finger in natadances. These were included in martial arts later. Veda Vyasa imposed commentaries on the Yoga Sutras. Here, he has described the relationship between the Samkhya philosophy (one of the six systems of Indian philosophy) and the yoga school of philosophy. This time influenced the significance of the mind in yoga.

Post-classical Period

In this period, various philosophers and sages like Adi Shankaracharya contributed to the continuation and development of Jnana yoga and Raja Yoga that adapts and builds upon the techniques and teachings of yoga. With his yogic rituals and teachings like Jnana Yoga, one can have liberation or Nirvana.

In addition, meditation was even considered important to assist clear the mind. Purandaradasa and Tulisidasa also contributed to the science of yoga. Hatha yoga was familiarized in this era. Today, most of the asanas that people practice are part of Hatha yoga.

Modern Period (1700 AD to 1900 AD)

Swami Vivekananda was responsible for the spread of yoga to western societies. Raja yoga was further improved by Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Ramana Maharshi, Paramhansa Yogananda, K Pattabhi Jois, BKS Iyengar, and Vivekananda. In the mid-nineteenth century, yoga spread to the West.

Hatha, Bhakti, and Vedanta yoga developed at this period. That was the illustrious and long journey undertook by yoga to reach the 21st century.

Various contributors were there for this and many changes had undergone. Besides, the effect of yoga remains becoming one with spirit, yourself, and the world around you.

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